Property & Conveyancing - Legal Articles — Page 2

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From category archives: Legal Articles

Property & Conveyancing

Benefits of rent to buy property agreements in South Africa

Rent-to-buy, also known as rent-to-own, is when there is a lease agreement between the tenant and owner which provides for the rental of the property by the tenant for an agreed period of time and at the end of that time, the tenant has a chance to buy the house from the owner.

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Owning pets in sectional title schemes in South Africa

What is a family without a family pet?

Over the years, pets have become intricate parts of families and established members of the household.

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Conveyancing Attorneys and Conveyancing in South Africa

For many years, property conveyancing in South Africa has been regarded as one of the most sophisticated fields of the law. However, with property being the most expensive asset many people will ever own, this process can become complex when the parties involved do not consider all the necessary procedures and costs involved in the tranfer process.

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Sectional title: What Is The Role Of The Body Corporate?

When it comes to sectional title schemes, there is still widespread misunderstanding of even the basics, starting with the body corporate and how it is established, as well as what its functions and powers are. This misunderstanding often gives rise to many problems and disputes in sectional title schemes which could quite easily have been avoided.

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What are the Tenant and Landlord Duties?

When it comes to letting a property – both the tenant and the landlord should always enter into any letting agreements openly and honestly and intending for each party to get proper value. Often it’s the approach which the parties adopt which will determine whether the relationship between the parties and the benefits they derive therefrom is mutually satisfactory. Furthermore, there are important duties that each party is expected to do.

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Transfer Of Property Steps - Conveyancing Attorneys

The transfer process can take up to three-months, sometimes longer. There are different steps involved in the transfer of a property, these include:

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When to Pay a Real Estate Agent Commission - Property Law

Selling a home is one of the biggest financial decisions a person can make and an estate agent is usually involved in this process. A problem that frequently occurs and which is not easy to solve is whether an agent was in fact instrumental in bringing about the sale of the property.

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I Have A Serious Complaint Against My Landlord

At times the relationship between landlords and tenants can become unstable. Perhaps you believe your landlord has treated you unfairly and you want to officially complain. The provincial Rental Housing Tribunals will help settle disputes between tenants and landlords.

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Have You Ever Done Your Estate Planning?

If you have never planned your estate, perhaps now is a good time to consider it. This will be to everyone’s benefit, as there are often hidden costs which come into effect at the time of passing, that are not taken into account when you plan your estate and inheritance.

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Sellers' Protection Under Voetstoots Clause Limited

A seller’s protection under the “voetstoots” clause in a deed of sale for immovable property is not as “absolute” as some might think. It is still the seller’s duty to inform prospective purchasers about all latent (hidden) defects in a property. A seller’s failure to do so could cost the seller in the long run

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