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Divorce & Family Law

The Rights and Responsibilities of a Parent in South Africa

Understanding the rights and responsibilities of a parent in South Africa is crucial for ensuring the well-being and development of children.

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Child Support/Child Maintenance in South Africa

Child support, otherwise referred to as child maintenance in South Africa, is a crucial aspect of family law.

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Child Custody - What You Need To Know About Care & Contact

Child custody is a critical component of family law in South Africa, essential for parents navigating the post-separation or divorce landscape.

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How much does a divorce cost in South Africa?

The cost of getting divorced in South Africa can vary depending on the circumstances of the divorce, such as whether it is a contested or uncontested divorce, and whether the parties use a lawyer or represent themselves.

In this article, our family law attorneys in Cape Town discuss the types of divorce and what they may cost.

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Frequently Asked Questions answered by Divorce Lawyers

Our divorce lawyers provide professional advice relating to all aspects of family law, including the enforcement and protection of rights in family, personal relations as well as antenuptial contracts.

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Who gets parental rights and responsibilities for the child?

Often a big question for couples when they decide to get divorced is what happens with their children.

In this article we will look at what does “rights and responsibilities” mean and who has them.

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Interim Protection Orders explained by our Attorneys in Cape Town

Have you been the victim of verbal, physical or emotional abuse?

If so, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your property from individuals who intend to cause you harm.

In terms of the Protection from Harassment Act one can approach the Magistrates Court to get protection in the form of an Interim Protection Order which protects individuals from harassment which is not considered a crime.

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Corporal punishment - Explained by our Attorneys in Cape Town

What is corporal punishment? It has been defined as “any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light” by the United Nations Committee.

A National Survey was conducted in which it was found that 57% of parents use corporal punishment as their chosen disciplinary method and 37% of those parents use objects such as belts, wooden spoons etc., to carry out their discipline.

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When Must You Consult The Family Advocate

You may consult the Family Advocate if you have a dispute relating to either the best interests of a child and/or parental responsibilities and rights.

There are also other circumstances under which the family advocate may be consulted...

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What Are Parental Rights And Responsibilities?

The rights and responsibilities of a parent is set out in the Children’s Act 38 of 2008 (the “Children’s Act”) and can be defined as a complex set of rights, duties and responsibilities which have to be performed in the best interest of the child. 

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