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Posts Tagged 'Free Legal Advice'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'Free Legal Advice'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Is Cannabis Legal in SA? Our Attorneys in Cape Town Explain

“One in every fourteen people are regular users” of cannabis in South Africa as reported by the United Nations World Drug Report of 2014.

The prohibition of cannabis can be backtracked as far as 1908 when the first law prohibiting the sale of cannabis was put into motion.

Thereafter, several laws were enacted prohibiting the use of cannabis. Presently, the most well-known Acts which prohibit cannabis are the Drug Trafficking Act and Medicines Control Act.

What's the Buzz About Business Rescue?

If a company/close corporation is in financial trouble and all possible avenues to save the business have been exhausted, there is one last option available to save the business: it can lodge an application for business rescue at the CIPC. In order to qualify for business rescue proceedings, the business must satisfy the requirements as set out in the next paragraph.


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